Despite the pandemic, standards development has been robust with increased committee participation despite the challenges !  This presentation will provide an overview and update on developing IAQ related standards in ASTM and ISO , such as PRV, micro vacuuming, legionella, sampling strategy and more.  Highlights of the standard drafts as well as the obstacles and issues being debated will be presented.


Understanding how true consensus standards are developed and that everyone can and should participate. Recognizing that consensus is the strong foundation on which strong practices are built.  Knowing what guidance standards and documents are available to inform and improve best IAQ practices.

Speaker Overview:

LISA J. ROGERS’ BS in chemistry/minor in mathematics from Florida Southern College in no way has defined her career but lay the foundation of a lifelong focus in the environmental health and safety field.   Her experience includes over 30 years in the environmental health and safety field with the focus in the last 20 years on indoor air quality (IAQ) litigation support, expert witness testimony and complex technical evaluations. Her experience earned her an invitation to participate on a NATO Science Advisory Committee developing international guidelines for indoor air quality issues

Ms. Rogers has authored numerous technical papers and various articles for trade newsletters and publications and presented these and other technical issues at national and international conferences.

Currently, Ms. Rogers is Chair of ASTM committee, D22, Air Quality, and Chair of subcommittee D22.08 Assessment, Sampling, and Analysis of Microorganisms, which is developing standard protocols for microbial sample collection and analysis, She is also Head of US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for  TC 146 SC6 to the International Standards Organization (ISO). Ms. Rogers is a member of the AIHA, Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Committee, the IAQA Education Committee and is serving as Vice Chair for the Board of Directors of the Indoor Air Quality Association and is an Emeritus Director for the Board of the Environmental Information Association. She is also a former member of ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality for 12 years

Since 2007, Lisa has served as President of Mycometer Inc. the US subsidiary of a Danish based firm