Mould-affected housing in Australia: What we know, what we don’t know and who’s at risk?

Australian homes have previously been seen as less problematic for damp housing conditions due to relatively mild climate compared to that of other countries and a younger and better condition of housing stock. However, recent studies, a parliamentary inquiry, prolonged wet weather, flooding and media reports have highlight concerns for a potential widespread problem of mould-affected housing.

The first step in addressing the problem of mould affect housing, is by gathering and synthesising available studies from both government, industry, academia and advocacy groups.

Based on the recently published paper by Coulburn and Miller, 2022 (available here for free), Lisa will unpack and summarise the current state of literature on the prevalence, risk and impact of mould affected housing in Australia and share some surprising insights about what we know, what we don’t know and who’s at risk?


About our speaker 

Lisa is currently undertaking a PhD at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Her current research explores the root cause, risk and impacts to health and economic wellbeing related to dampness and mould in Australian housing.

Prior to the PhD, Lisa practiced interior design for commercial and residential clients for over 25 years. Lisa’s specialist interest is in creating healthier indoor spaces.

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